Update on Life

My last few posts have always started with me apologizing for my lack of posts. I always feel bad whenever time gets away from me or I procrastinate, because I actually do enjoy writing. To be honest, I have been putting off making a new post for a while now because I couldn’t think of anything to write about.

This time I will not make excuses. Besides, bogging is not something mandatory, but something I do for fun. That being said, I want to work on being more consistent with posting.

Part of the reason I put off blogging was because of my indecision on what kind of post to make. I have done all sorts of different things in the past. I have made posts on health & wellness and weekly themes, like Poetry Fridays, and others. Maybe it would help to get an idea of what kind of content you guys would like to read. I always have my favourite subjects (i.e. music, etc.), of course, but I want to have content that’s creative and interesting. So, what do you think? Let me know what kind of blogging you’d like to see me do!


Anyways, if you’ve been wondering what’s been going on in my life over these past months, let me tell you. In one word: school. In more words, life’s been crazy as usual. However, it hasn’t always been bad crazy – there’s been some good in there too. For example, I’ve had the chance to make a few new friends this year, which is great. I love meeting new awesome people. After the few months in which I was walking around as through a thick fog – a time also known as winter – I began to make some changes in my life. I have wanted to be consistent in my devotions and prayer life for quite some time, but have struggled to get in and keep up that habit. Accountability is a great thing. It’s really helpful to have someone else to meet with, even if I then go and do my own thing. It motivates me to keep up with it and not give up, if I have someone who’s expecting me to meet them. I’ve found that starting my day in God’s presence positively affects the rest of the day and has made me more aware and engaged in daily life. I’m not sure if it’s been quite a month yet, but I’d say I’m off to a good start in making this a long-term habit!

That’s all for now folks! So, share your thoughts (in the comments) on what content I should do here. Here’s a song I discovered today: Everyday People by Morgan Harper Nichols.

One thought on “Update on Life”

  1. You are not alone. I’m not going to be doing much until summer comes along—then I hope to edit some of the stories I finished ever so long ago and post them to my site.
    As for meaningful posts, I’d say anything that makes you excited is probably good, but you could always check out some of Jeff Goins free resources on Intentional blogging, etc. It might do more for you than it did for me.


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