Word of the Year

It’s still January, therefore I feel justified in letting you all know my (goals and) “word of the year”. I know I have been sporadic in my blog posting. Ironically, the word I chose for the year is “priorities”.


Well, it makes sense, right? I chose this word because it is an area I want (and need) to work on in my life. I am striving to better balance all my activities and work, and prioritize my time so I get everything done that I need to accomplish each day.

Good goals. It’s an area I imagine needs to be consistently reworked on as you enter different stages in life. Each season brings on new challenges. So, how do you go about creating lasting change? Great question! Let’s figure that out together.

1. Planning 

Something I have noticed that works for me is planning ahead. I know, that takes time. Is it really worth it? It may seem tedious, even pointless, in the moment. However, if you’re like me then you are more likely to follow through with your goals if there is a set schedule. Start by getting a hold of a program that works for you. Buy (and actually use) a planner, create a schedule online, or there’s always a calendar on your cell phone.


2. Perseverance 

It’s important to recognize that in all likelihood you will trip up at some point on your road to success. Don’t beat yourself up over it – (I know I’m guilty of this). Simply remember that many others have stumbled down this road before you and have made it to the end. Be patient along the way and give yourself a little grace.


3. Attainable 

It’s important to make sure you’re setting attainable goals. You will still reach your destination by taking one step at a time. It will also make for more lasting change than if you were to try and transform your life overnight.

Final Thoughts

Set a time frame for yourself. Tell someone who will keep you accountable and spur you on towards completion of your goal!

Let’s start off this new year, and February, right and make practical – (even if small) – steps towards the finish line.

Blessings & love to you all.


*(Images from Pixabay)*

Kicking off the New Year


Happy new year everyone! I hope 2016 is good to you all. To kick off the first day of January, I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about one of things I’m thankful for: my brother.



Now, my friends will say I talk about him a lot. That is true. However, I can’t help but share with others how I’ve been blessed with such a great gift. I feel truely honoured to have had the chance to grow up along side him. I look forward to seeing all the great things he will do the days ahead and farther in the future.


K is a great support and encouragement. He is a wonderful and true friend. In fact, he’s one of the most caring people I know. His character, personality and determination is to be admired!


I think most people tend to have a hard time recognising their good qualities. Sometimes it can be so easy to only see the negative. That is one reason why I like to take all the opportunities I get to remind K of how truly amazing he is.


No one goes through life without facing trials of all kinds and K is no exception. However, he’s also so strong. I have seen him enter many difficult seasons and come out the other side.
His perseverance and faith is evident. I honestly don’t know where I would be without him. I love you so much, K – and buddy, don’t you ever forget it.